Arch402 | Programming in 3D


What if we have a membrane which keeps the relationship between human and nature always mutual and beneficial.

Investigating symbiotic relationships between human and nature. Trying to find the moment that the equilibrium between human and nature is lost and mutual relationship becomes parasitic. Thus, preserving the symbiotic relationship in architectural terms can be possible. Aiming to find and preserve the symbiotic relationship where the flow of natural resources create an autonomous, self sustained, living organism being supported by an ecological system. The relationship of the urban context with the natural environment acts as a parasite in the site but with the membrane, they can have a mutual, beneficial relationship. The membrane sustains the nature, while diversify the users in the site and enrich the social environment.

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Arch434 | Project Selection

My case is metropol parasol from sevilla. I want to start my presentation with some short information about the buildings historical background and the importance for its urban context. Actually the story of the building begins with a destruction of a market place in the city center. And the market place left a huge gap behind itself for the urban character of the city. So the building is designed to solve the problem for the citizens and enrich the economical and social environment. So it is resposible in that sense to the urban character of the city and becomes a landmark while being an alien thing. Another thing that we can talk about is the variety of activities in the building. It includes 4 levels. The underground levels includes commercial spaces. Ground level includes leisure spaces. We have an elevated plaza in upper level which is for collective memory and a skywalk on the top of the building. What we can talk about the design approach is those repetitive units and how they come together. The intersecting curvilinear elements are variations of each other and it provides a whole. With the continuity, we are achieving NURBS surfaces. Those surfaces are giving a diffrent perspective and a diffrenent experience maybe. Moreover, we can talk about the tectonics and the texture of the building building at the same time because of the formation of the elements.

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Arch401 | Final Jury

My main concern is earthquake awareness. And the lexicon term crustal structure is important for me to gain information from the soil by observing the behaviour of lithosphere in the face of geological loads. What we actually did is try to understand the sensitivity of the soil and the parameter that we use to understand it is elastic thickness. Elastic thickness is the distance between crust and earth. So, when the distance between crust and earth is increased, elastic thickness increased and the sensitivity of the soil increased. Another concern is the adaptability of the program elements. It is important that they respond to the disaster in every period of time and transform themselves accordingly. For example simulation zone transform itself to stimulation zone and when the effect of the disaster changed, it tranform itself to temporary classrooms. We try to carry the informations that we gain by crustal structure to 3 dimention with the ripple operation. And i try to show it in those diagramatic sections. Those sections are showing the permeability of the soil. Through the bottom parts, soil acts like a natural buffer for the seismic waves and through the upper parts, it is more permeable. Then i overlap the sections and try to define some points where we can sense the ripple effect more dominant on a more permeable soil. I named those areas as potential seismic receptors. What i try to do is dealing with two different type of elements. The bottom part is working with stations and the upper part is a continuous element that connects the stations. Than, i try to discover the potentials of those elements, their relations and how they come together. I create some variations and match the program elements according to their characteristics. Than, i think about a skeleton like structure which is modular and includes mobile surfaces. With those mobile surfaces we can achieve disaster responsive spaces. So this is the solution that i propose for adaptability of the program elements. Also the structure is adaptable to the physical effects of the earthquake by shifting itself.

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